Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP): A Unique Therapeutic Approach 

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is at the heart of our healing process. Based on the  globally recognized, and evidence-based Eagala Model, our EAP program involves structured,  ground-based interactions between clients and horses, facilitated by a licensed mental health  professional and a certified equine specialist. 

  • Individual Sessions: Clients participate in one-on-one therapy sessions where they  interact with horses to address personal trauma and grief issues. These sessions help  clients develop trust, build emotional resilience, and gain insight into their feelings  through non-verbal communication with horses. 
  • Group Sessions: In addition to individual therapy, we offer group sessions that foster  community support and shared healing experiences. Clients benefit from the group  dynamic and therapeutic interactions with horses, helping them feel less isolated in their  struggles. 

Why Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Works for Trauma and Grief: 

  • Non-Verbal Communication and Immediate Feedback: Horses are highly sensitive to  human emotions and provide immediate, honest feedback. This unique ability helps  clients who may struggle to verbalize their trauma gain deeper self-awareness and learn  to regulate their emotions effectively. 
  • Regulation of Arousal Levels: Being around horses can promote a calming effect,  helping clients manage symptoms like hyper vigilance and anxiety associated with PTSD. 
  • Metaphoric Learning: Interactions with horses allow clients to explore their trauma in a  safe, contained environment, using metaphors to reflect on their experiences and develop  coping strategies. 
  • Building Trust and Safety: The therapeutic relationship with horses helps trauma  survivors rebuild trust and learn to establish healthy boundaries. 
  • Empirical Evidence: Research supports the effectiveness of EAP in reducing PTSD  symptoms, anxiety, and depression, and improving social functioning and overall well being.